Thursday, May 10, 2012

Getting Ready

I never realized how much goes into getting ready for a trip, like a major trip.  There's the plane, which I booked back in December, but then figured out I needed to figure out a seat on said plane ride.  Of course, it's actually three separate planes so I'm not quite sure how that works really.  And I'm claustrophobic, so I have to ask them to put me on a special seat in a plane and not just any old one, unless they really want to deal with a panic attack, which may very well happen anyway. Ugh. 

Then there's the program.  Figuring out which one to go with, where, for what, how long, for credit or not, paying for it, preparing for it without really knowing what I'm doing, and everything else that seems to go into it without really being able to be quanitfied or even really qualified.  I have to figure out the dress code, cultural expectations, how I'm supposed to act and express myself.  Learn a little bit of the local language, hopefully. :)  Yeah, it's a lot.  And sort of overwhelming.  Word of advice, leave yourself plenty of time to prepare for long trips. 

We can't forget the packing.  All the proper clothes and toiletries for 5 weeks, assuming I can do laundry every week.  And my medications, with a doctor's letter saying I need them so I don't get arrested or held up a lot.  And I have to make sure it's under the limit for weight and size for the checked, carry-on, and purse I can take with me.  This includes bedding, mosquito net, things to entertain myself/distract myself if I get overwhelmed and have to bring myself back to the present, and little things for the program, like books.  It adds up quickly, even though I'm trying to pack smart.

Finding everything I need is difficult.  A mosquito net, skirts, tops that actually match and not just my kind of matching (same load of laundry or design), something to hold money and passports close to my body so no one steals it, vitamins/supplements to make sure I stay healthy while I'm there, a way of staying in touch with the world, camera that works and is small enough to bring with me, getting shots and yellow card, passport and VISA, pictures and addresses of the people I'm meeting, and so much more.  There's just a lot of stuff to remember and get together.

One thing I want to mention: I had a friend with one of those little NOOK Color things that he didn't want, so, I figured I'd try that since it can have books for me to read to distract myself and can access the internet with Wi-Fi so I could update this blog with it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't register this as something it can type into, so I may not be able to update as much as I would like, with the one computer in the home I'll be staying at.  (Since I'm NOT bringing my computer). But I will try, so don't be worried if I can't update for a few days or a week or so.  :)  It'll happen. Also, photos will be uploaded to my Facebook, which you can find at: and friend me, if you like.  If I don't know you, I won't friend you, sorry.  I'll try to use the computer when I can to transfer the photos to here as well, or I'll do it as soon as I get back.  Either way, eventually everything will get up here.

Wish me luck! I don't know if I'll update one more time before I leave or not.

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